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Our goal is a better, higher quality education! -The #STANDFORSOMETHING roadshow started in Nyíregyháza.

With the support of Köz-pont Association and the organisation of local student forums, the #STANDFORSOMETHING rural roadshow has started with Nyíregyháza as the first stop. On 22.09.2021, the Megyei Diákparlament organised a presentation in Nyíregyháza entitled #ISTANDFORBETTEREDUCATION. The session was… Read More »Our goal is a better, higher quality education! -The #STANDFORSOMETHING roadshow started in Nyíregyháza.


A conversation about women’s equality with women who have broken down stereotypes On 22.09.2021, an online discussion was held with the support of the #ISTANDFORSOMETHING campaign. The topic of the discussion was women’s equality, highlighting the place of women in… Read More »ISTANDFORGENDEREQUALITY