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A #ZeroWaste future for young people!

    We have raised awareness of the importance of a waste-free future through university lectures, were part of the #STANDFORSOMETHING campaign.

    On 04.09.2021 and 25.09.2021, Dr. Bálint Horváth, lecturer at the Kodolányi János University and circular economy expert at the Embassy of the Netherlands, organised online lectures for interested people on creating a zero-waste future. He detailed the importance of this topic, sharing new and innovative ideas for its development and how to correct mistakes. The direct aim of the presentations is to educate and involve young people for a greener, more liveable and waste-free future. A particular aim is to raise awareness among the older generations of eco-conscious actions that young people can take in their everyday lives, such as those that have become widespread in recent years (packaging-free shops, food banks, vegan food pallets). Bridging the gap between generations is a priority in this area, as the generation of grandparents and great-grandparents used less plastic and were more aware of household waste, so young people can learn from their lifestyles and knowledge can be shared back and forth.