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Kezdőlap » We visited Kaposvár as part of the Startup Campus

We visited Kaposvár as part of the Startup Campus

    István Kárász, President of Pact4Youth, gave a presentation to future entrepreneurs in Kaposvár.

    In addition to the presentation, the president of our association took part in a round table

    discussion, where we analysed the impact on young adults, within the Startup Campus

    Roadshow. Everyone is talented in something, the question is in what exactly. What is the

    path that a young adult can enjoy and not just start working because they have to. What are

    the educational elements that are missing to raise happier, more aware and braver young

    people? What challenges do young people face when they enter to university? Other speakers

    at the Startup Campus included local entrepreneurs, young scientists, representatives of

    national youth associations and a delegate from the National Research, Development and

    Innovation Office.
