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Kezdőlap » We stand up for quality internships and trainees!

We stand up for quality internships and trainees!

    Presentation of the #ISTANDFORQUALITYINTERSHIP campaign.

    On 17.06.2021 in Visegrád, in the Silvanus Hotel, our organisation held a presentation and workshop within the framework of the #STANDFORSOMETHING campaign. The topic was the creation and maintenance of quality apprenticeships, a very popular topic nowadays. The best option for young people who want to find a job outside university is an apprenticeship. Therefore, it is important to have internships where the trainee can gain quality education and work experience. Companies and businesses that can ensure professional development and give their trainees the opportunity to ask questions are more likely to retain young and talented workers. Working with the trainees working in the hotel, our theme leaders have put together a list of suggestions for businesses offering traineeships:

    – mentor support

    – creating a safe environment where the trainee can express doubts and ask questions

    – Support for transport (to the workplace)

    – availability of challenges

    – a supportive working environment

    – professional development, giving a broader view of all aspects of the profession

    – a letter of recommendation at the end of the traineeship

    – promotion opportunities if there are relevant open positions

    This programme was of particular importance to the Youth Pact Association because of its theme, as its Internship 2.0 programme aims to identify and provide professional support for quality apprenticeships.

    During the presentation we heard a lot of good practices to improve our internship programmes and we managed to clarify what a NOT good internship is.