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Kezdőlap » Second meeting of the Task Force with EU Commissioner Tibor Navracsics

Second meeting of the Task Force with EU Commissioner Tibor Navracsics

    Tibor Navracsics, EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, met again with representatives of the Hungarian Pact4Youth initiative on 12 October 2018.

    At the first meeting in June, the Task Force members presented the objectives of the initiative

    to EU Commissioner Tibor Navracsics and presented their newly published publication

    summarising good practices, programmes and projects of the participating organisations. The

    organisations participating in the Pact4Youth Hungary working group also held their second

    meeting with the Commissioner. At the second meeting, the Task Force presented its first

    project idea, which addresses the problem of NEET youth – young people aged 16-29 who are

    not in employment, education or training. The project focuses on making traineeships

    attractive and valuable for the youth and helping their integration into the labour market. The

    project is still in its preparatory phase, but the members of the Pact4Youth Hungary initiative

    appreciated the opportunity to discuss their vision with Tibor Navracsics, who provided a

    wealth of suggestions and insights on the problem in the European context.

    Participants also discussed the [AmCham](


    cio) Competitive Education Conference, which focused on career guidance and where Mr

    Navracsics will also be presenting.

    The Hungarian Pact4Youth initiative, in line with the European initiative, aims to promote the

    integration of young adults, especially NEET young adults, into the education system and the

    labour market, while improving their working conditions. According to CSR Europe, there are

    more than 7 million NEET young people aged 15-24 in Europe.
