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Pact4Youth Meets EU Commissioner Navracsics

    On 15th of June, AmCham, among other members of the Hungarian Pact4Youth working group met with Mr. Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport.

    The Hungarian Pact4Youth initiative – in line with the European initiative – aims to foster and facilitate the integration of young people, especially the NEET youth (who are Neither in Employment nor in Education or Training) into the education system and into the labour market while improving their labour conditions. According to CSR Europe, there are more than 7 million NEET young people between age 15-24 in Europe.

    Members of the Hungarian Pact4Youth initiative invited EU Commissioner Tibor Navracsics to their last meeting to discuss the results and the future of their cooperation. The Pact4Youth working group presented its new publication which summarizes the programs, projects and best practices of the participating organizations that help the young generation in several priority areas of the European Pact For Youth Initiative coordinated by CSR Europe. These priority areas are:

    • enhancing skills (STEAM, Basic Skills, Soft Skills, Entrepreneurship)
    • promoting VET/apprenticeships as the equal choice
    • inspiring to explore work opportunities
    • supporting young people in transition to jobs
    • helping companies to attract talent
    • supporting schools, teachers and directors
    • boosting and strengthening intermediary organizations.

    Participants also discussed further topics that are relevant for the Hungarian Youth, such as career orientation, the development of digital and language competencies, the attraction of talent to Hungary, the European Youth Strategy and the European Education Area.

    EU Commissioner Tibor Navracsics encouraged the members of the working group to continue their work and initiated another meeting with the Pact4Youth working group in the fall of 2018.

    AmCham Hungary is one of the actors that are involved in the Pact4Youth initiative in Hungary together with the National Youth Council (project coordinator), the Ministry of Human Capacities, the Ministry for National Economy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the National Union of Students in Hungary (HÖOK), the New Generation Centre (Új Nemzedék Központ), the UN Youth Delegate, Bridgestone Hungary, Meló-Diák Ltd., the European Youth Card Association, the National Kid Association and the Young Entrepreneurs Association Hungary (FIVOSZ).