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Kezdőlap » Our goal is a better, higher quality education! -The #STANDFORSOMETHING roadshow started in Nyíregyháza.

Our goal is a better, higher quality education! -The #STANDFORSOMETHING roadshow started in Nyíregyháza.

    With the support of Köz-pont Association and the organisation of local student forums, the #STANDFORSOMETHING rural roadshow has started with Nyíregyháza as the first stop.

    On 22.09.2021, the Megyei Diákparlament organised a presentation in Nyíregyháza entitled #ISTANDFORBETTEREDUCATION. The session was attended by the 16-25 age group, so the topic of the day reached the target audience. Their comments and ideas about education, its failures and possible changes to make it better were discussed, resulting in many new and innovative ideas. A few thoughts from what was said:

    – Information about bullying and abuse, learning about the consequences

    – EU funding to maintain school psychologists

    – Career guidance counsellors in schools to help students decide on their future, on a personalised basis

    – Free access to university for more students – including through EU funding

    – Training for teachers and educators on how to deal with conflicts in schools (bullying, child misbehaviour)