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    A conversation about women’s equality with women who have broken down stereotypes

    On 22.09.2021, an online discussion was held with the support of the #ISTANDFORSOMETHING campaign. The topic of the discussion was women’s equality, highlighting the place of women in jobs that society expects and traditionally assigns to men. They discussed the difficulties they face in their work and how to motivate more women to dare to build a career in this field. The discussion was moderated by Eszter Szabó (designer) and Tünde Dániel (vehicle designer), with the participation of Dr. Katalin Balázs (NaTe President), Klára Stefán (NNP Project Manager), Lilla Regényi (NNP Project Moderator) and Dr. Ildikó Somogyi (PTE University Lecturer). At the end of the inspiring discussion, several key ideas and good advice were expressed by the participants:

    – Motivating young girls to choose a career in science and technology

    – Starting in pre-school and continuing in school, children should be taught to become aware of the potential and active presence of women in the fields mentioned above 

    – Girls should be involved and motivated through positive examples and programmes

    – Organise training for male managers on the positive aspects of women’s equality and the presence of women in the workforce 

    – It is worth investing in training and self-development

    – Women should seize opportunities and be open to the world