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Kezdőlap » The workplace of the future, the competences of the future – round table discussion

The workplace of the future, the competences of the future – round table discussion

    The main objective of the roundtable discussion “Future jobs and competences” held on 29 November 2023 in the framework of the Pact4Work Skills Academy project was to initiate a dialogue with theoreticians and business professionals.

    The event brought together invited guests and speakers from different fields, representing policy makers, stakeholders and practitioners to discuss the opportunities and challenges for future employers and young workers.

    In the event senior executives, European and Hungarian policy makers and experts to share their views on AI and its impact. They discussed what will and could be the role of AI in different sectors and job types. They highlighted the question of what jobs will be available in the future and how this will affect young people entering the labour market in the coming years. The discussion outlined the competences that will become indispensable and those that are likely to be devalued.

    The Round Table is organised in partnership with the Together for Europe Foundation (Együtt Európáért Alapítvány).