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Kezdőlap » Our Trainee2.0 certification and registration system is launched

Our Trainee2.0 certification and registration system is launched

    The Intern is value! As an employer, you should be proud of the fact that your apprenticeship programme values your young employees

    Businesses operating under our association's Apprentice2.0 criteria can now show in a formal,

    certified way that they employ the youth in line with our 8 quality guarantee points. This is

    our way of recognising employers' training activities and the resources they invest in the

    future and in society. By communicating this, backed up by the companies registered in the

    programme, we can also influence policy makers to ensure that society as a whole and the tax

    system recognise the efforts of employers.

    In the medium to long term, an established trainee has an indisputable role to play in

    refreshing the thinking and functioning of a company or other workplace, if this opportunity is

    seized by management.

    So overall, the purposeful and inclusive employment of young workers also strongly enhances

    the innovation, adaptability and crisis resilience of a country's economy. It is no coincidence

    that large companies have for decades built up well-established programmes called "junior,

    trainee, onboarding" and so on, and that Western European countries have tax and education

    systems that encourage the SME sector to do the same.

    Join our programme at and let's stand together for

    sustainable labour market development!

    More information on our Youtube channel:

    Read more about our 8 points:
