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Kezdőlap » The Pact4Youth workteam is an outstandingly positive example in Europe too

The Pact4Youth workteam is an outstandingly positive example in Europe too

    The work and impact of the Pact4Youth working group was highlighted as a positive example in Europe at CSR Europe

    In December 2018, the European Pact4Youth initiative was summarised at the ENGIE

    headquarters, where different countries excellent practises were collected by the CSR Europe

    coordinators. On this occasion, the founders of the Round Table and the Working Group were

    invited by Hungary to give a presentation and showcase about their activities and results,

    which were presented as an outstanding practice at European level. Since the members of the

    Round Table and the working group drafted the Hungarian Pact4Youth proposal to the

    European Commission in 2017 and laid the foundations for cooperation between Hungarian

    government, civil society and businesses, they were able to launch the assessment of the

    labour market situation of Hungarian youth. In this way, the Workgroup aims to help raise

    awareness among decision-makers about the everyday problems of youth and offer a way to

    address them. The event featured a presentation by István Kárász, one of the founders of the

    working group and a member of the European Youth Card Association (EYCA) board.
