Our Association joined the European Pact for Youth Initiative and with that it is among the first Hungarian entities which declared the importance of skills for both the well-being of youth and the national economy
By joining to the European Pact for Skills agenda our association accepted its Charta. We construct our future strategies and programmes in line with those values, are listed below:
Having regard to the European Pillar of Social Rights, which is the EU’s compass for a social and inclusive
recovery, and for just transitions towards climate neutrality and a digital Europe;
Recognising that the digital economy of today and tomorrow must have people at its heart;
Recalling that with the European Green Deal, Europe has marked its ambition to become the first climateneutral continent by 2050;
Supporting the Industrial and SMEs Strategies with strong foundations in the Single Market, enabling
businesses to innovate and to develop new technologies, boosting circularity and creating new markets;
Firmly believing that skills are key for both people and companies to unlock opportunities for more and better
jobs, as well as growth and competitiveness, as laid out in the European Skills Agenda for sustainable
competitiveness, social fairness and resilience;
Understanding the important role of companies and social partners in identifying skills needs and supporting
development of relevant skills;
Highlighting the importance of social dialogue in contributing to successful upskilling and reskilling in Europe and
fully respecting national systems, the role of social partners and collective agreements;
Underlining the benefits of cooperation and exchange between and among companies, workers and regional and
local authorities;
Acknowledging that the COVID-19 pandemic has deeply affected our societies and economies, showing the
importance of EU solidarity and swift action towards a fair and resilient recovery;
We welcome the Pact for Skills initiated by the European Commission to mobilise a concerted effort among
private and public partners for quality investment in skills for all working age people across the Union, and we
shall respect and uphold the following key principles:
– Promoting a culture of lifelong learning for all
– Building strong skills partnerships
– Monitoring skills supply/demand and anticipating skills needs
– Working against discrimination and for gender equality and equal opportunities
For further information and joining the initiative you can visit the website: https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=1517&langId=en