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We launched our Youth Employment Protection Campaign

    We would like to draw the attention of our civil, corporate, political and governmental partners to the fact that the labor market situation of young people and its management will determine the future of the country in the long run.

    The first workplace and the experiences gained there are decisive experiences for every young person, thus the management of the current economic situation will have long-term consequences. That is why we have launched the Pact4Youth Youth Employment Protection Campaign! To this end, we convened a round table discussion and workshop on 21 October 2020, which was attended by the country’s most significant chambers of industry, youth organizations, youth wings of all parliamentary parties, representatives of ministries and our professional partners. 

    Our goal is to create a set of proposals, established in accordance with full social consensus, that will help young people retain their jobs and encourage companies to involve young people in value creation processes. This would avoid the deterioration of young people’s situation and thus the long-term decline of our society’s standard of living. 

    The videos of the campaign are available on our [Youtube channel](

    You can also watch the report about the conference here or on our [Facebook page](