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Kezdőlap » Pact4Youth Hungary working group has published a manifesto

Pact4Youth Hungary working group has published a manifesto

    “Intership2.0 – The intern is value!” is a manifesto published by the Pact4Youth Hungary working group to provide a good basis for Hungarian companies to develop their apprenticeship programmes.

    We often talk about how useful it is for young people to gain experience at work. And not

    only do companies save money by offering apprenticeship programmes, but they also provide

    them with training for the next generation. It’s good for the company and good for the young

    person. However, it is important to collect the points that guarantee the effectiveness of the

    traineeship programme and, equally important, to keep in mind how well they fit in with the

    young person’s personal goals.

    The “Internship2.0 – The intern is value! ” manifesto, just published by the Pact4Youth

    Hungary working group, was created to provide a basis for Hungarian companies to develop

    their internship programmes. The manifesto summarises in 8 points the necessary

    requirements that have been identified as essential for setting up successful and competitive

    apprenticeship programmes that can compete in both the domestic and international


    The IfYOUsági Paktum is a programme of national education and labour market opinion-

    forming organisations, has been consulting young people over the past months to develop the

    content of its manifesto. The views of current university students and recent graduates have

    been channelled through a series of national and local events for the youth.

    The Taskforce hopes that by introducing high-quality apprenticeship programmes, the number

    of young people in the NEET category – young people aged 16-29 who are not currently in

    work or education – can be successfully reduced in the long term. The number of NEET

    young people in our country has been steadily decreasing since 2014, but is still around 10%,

    so the problem affects tens of thousands of young people.

    ** -Internship 2.0 – The intern is value!- manifesto **

    1. The employer undertakes to register its traineeship programmes in a freely accessible

    register system, which will contain traineeship programmes that meet the requirements set out

    in the manifesto.

    2. The employer shall provide truthful and credible information in its promotional campaigns

    about the work duties and responsibilities required by its internship programme.

    3. the employer should employ the trainee for a minimum of 3 months, but preferably aim for

    a longer-term commitment, from 6 months to 2 years, with a minimum of 20 hours per week.

    4. The employer should provide the trainee with a dedicated mentor who will be responsible

    for the trainee’s professional and social integration in the workplace and will facilitate the

    processing of feedback and evaluations of the trainee by the employer. The employer will

    always seek to prioritise positive feedback.

    5. the preliminary design of the tasks to be carried out in the internship programme, in line

    with the relevance of the work experience and the expectations of the employer. The

    minimum occupational standards should be defined in accordance with the Uniform

    Classification System for Occupations.

    The employer of the trainee shall endeavour to provide the trainee with compensation at least

    equivalent to the minimum wage.

    7. to establish a system of mutual evaluation for the duration of the traineeship to assist the

    employer in improving the traineeship and to provide the trainee with continuous feedback on

    his/her professional development.

    8. the employer to support the trainee in completing his/her studies and motivate him/her to

    commit to lifelong learning.
